For several years the Parrett name was synonymous with
providing Haddamites with groceries, a meat market and fresh fruit. The family of six made their home above the store, on the second floor of the Haddam Hotel.
In 1950 the Parrett family left Haddam taking with them their memories and albums of pictures. This page is from pictures in one of the Parrett family albums.
Hopefully these pictures will bring back some reminesences if you knew the Parretts.
If not, enjoy these Pictures of the Past, on your tour of Haddam, Kansas.
Below: Parrett's Store In Haddam Sometime In the 1940's.

Delivery Vehicle

Glen and Katherine Parrett Family - 1940's

Sometime in the 1940's

Just Being a Kid in Haddam, Kansas

Some Grade School Students

How Did I End Up With This Part????

Grade School Band

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Anita Childerston, Webmaster 2017