Early in 1936 the officers met and decided to try a pot-luck supper with each member bringing one covered dish. The dues were still 25 cents. This was the time when one cent would buy a postal card, so advance dues were collected from Russel, Harold, Lester and Dora Hoffman and 100 cards were sent out to Alumni. The response was very gratifying and the pot-luck supper was established.

History of Haddam Alumni Association

Information on 2020 Alumni Banquet

Courtesy of Dora Hoffman Brown
Through the efforts of Mrs. Jessie Hoover and others an Alumni Association was formed in 1924.



First Banquet Held May 15, 1924 Honored the Class of 1924.
Fifty-five attended the first Alumni Nineteen of the twenty-one members of Class of 1924 attended. Plus thirty-six former graduates.
Officers Elected for 1925 Clarence Rhine; First President
Annie Rooney; First Vice-President
Bonnie Hoover Pelesky; Second Vice-President
Nora Bertram; Secretary-Treasurer
Committee on Organization: F. A. Taylor; C. A. Rhine:Frank Unruh
Dues Twenty-five cents
By-Laws - Motto "Boost For Haddam High"
By-Laws - Flower Yellow Rose
By Laws - Colors Yellow and White
First Secretary Elected
From Senior Class
Marie DeWitt - Class of 1925

In 1928 after there were five Alumni members nominated for this position it was moved that all these names be withdrawn and the Class of 1928 be given the privilege of choosing an Alumni Secretary from among their numbers. They nominated Joe Novak and Katheryn Thomas with Joe being elected. It wasn't until 1930 that the custom became firmly established when Grace Jefferson was elected from the graduating class.

1935 No banquet held.
1936 Officers Met:
Grace Jefferson
Carmen Chandler
Dora Hoffman
When no banquet was held in 1935, it was apparent that something needed to be done or the association would cease to exist.
1938 Voted to allow spouses of Alumni to come as guests.
Only members paid dues.
1939 Spouses attended banquet.
1942 Officers Elected
President: Hazel Fitch Hoffman
Vice-President: Verlin Douce
Secretary: Marvel Allen Rhine
1943 - 1944 - 194 No Alumni Meetings - World War II
1946 - Alumni Had No President Hazel Fitch Hoffman deceased 1945.
Verlin Douce killed in action, during World War II

Marvel Allen Rhine was left to carry on with the help of:
Marie Burton, Edith Congleton, Polly Novak, and Opal Ettleman.
1950 - Discussion To Raise Dues Unsuccessfully tried to raise the dues to 50 cents. However, the motion to charge non-members (who came as guests) 25 cent dues carried.
1951 - First Dance Held in City Hall
1952 - Second Dance Held in High School G
1957 - Official Date for Alumni Established Saturday Night Following High School Commencement
1958 Discontinued Senior Initiation
1961 - Dues Raised Dues raised to 50 cent
196 Name Tags First Used
1967 - Motion Made & Carried With 1967 being the last year that high school was held in Haddam anyone that graduates from Haddam Grade School and then graduates from USD 221 is an alumni member.
1970 - Dues Raised Bowing To Inflation Dues raised to $1 per person.
Changed election of Secretary to "at large."
1976 Dues raised to $2 per person
1981 Dues raised to $2.50 per person
Total Alumni From 1886 to 1967 total alumni listed is 859.
Largest Graduation Classes: Class of 1936 with 27 members
Class of 1935 with 26 members
Class of 1940 with 25 members
Class of 1934 with 24 members
Class of 1933 with 23 members
Class of 1924 with 21 members
Five Members Were:
Smallest Graduation Classes:
Class of 1919 (all girls)
Class of 1921
Class of 1952
Class of 1962
Note From:
Dora Hoffman Brown
These facts are from the records since 1916 when the high school became four years.
Note From:
Anita Schocke Childerston
The Alumni facts, as complied by Dora Hoffman Brown, are rewritten in a format more conducive to the fast pace society the twenty-first century has brought about.
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Revamped Sept. 2012